Our Mission
Woodbury County Rural Electric Cooperative (REC) strives to deliver safe, reliable, affordable, and environmentally responsible power to our member-consumers.
Woodbury County Rural Electric Cooperative is a consumer-owned electric cooperative with headquarters in Moville, Iowa, and serves power to 3,500 farms, homes, and businesses with approximately 1,200 miles of line in Northwest Iowa.

Electricity that is supplied to the members of Woodbury County Rural Electric Cooperative is produced by two main fuel sources:
One source is falling water from the dams (Hydropower) on the Missouri River. These dams are operated by a branch of the government called Western Area Power Administration (WAPA). Hydropower is some of the cheapest power available to the members of Woodbury County REC.
The second source is coal from the mines in North Dakota and Wyoming. The coil is burned in power plants operated by Basin Electric Power Cooperative in Bismarck North Dakota. Basin Electric has some of the most efficient power plants in the industry which provides 60% of power supplied to Woodbury County REC members.
Although most of the county is now served, Woodbury County REC is in an area of steady growth. This growth is from new business and housing development moving into the metro Sioux City, Iowa, area. Because of these growth areas, Woodbury County REC must continually upgrade and expand its electric system to meet these needs.
Rural Electric Cooperatives strive to continue our work to meet the needs of our members and look to the future to identify areas to improve our service.